Privacy policy

The REVU SELECT service (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) provided by takes users' personal information very seriously and complies with the relevant laws and regulations that information and communications service providers must comply with. This privacy policy applies to the company's platform and contains the following contents.

  1. 1. Purpose of collection and use of personal information
  2. 2. Items of personal information to be collected and methods of collection
  3. 3. Provision of personal information to third parties
  4. 4. Consignment of handling of personal information
  5. 5. Personal information retention and use period
  6. 6. Personal information destruction procedures and methods
  7. 7. Rights of users and legal representatives
  8. 8. Matters concerning the installation/operation of the automatic personal information collection device and its rejection
  9. 9. Person in charge of personal information management and department in charge
  10. 10. Responsibility for Linked Sites
  11. 11. Duty to notify privacy policy

1. Purpose of collection and use of personal information

  • The company collects only the minimum amount of personal information to provide services for the following purposes, and does not use the collected information for any other purpose or disclose it to the outside without the user's consent.
    • Member management: personal identification according to the provision of membership service, confirmation of intention to join, restrictions on use of members who violate the terms of use, restriction on the number of subscriptions and subscriptions, sanctions against illegal service use, prevention of unauthorized use, collection of personal information of children under the age of 14 Confirmation of consent of the legal representative, confirmation of the identity of the legal representative later, preservation of records for handling grievances and dispute resolution, delivery of notices, confirmation of intention to withdraw from membership
    • Development of new services and utilization of marketing advertisements: Development of new services and provision of customized services, provision of services and advertisements according to demographic characteristics, verification of service validity, provision of event/advertising information and participation opportunities, identification of access frequency, member’s Statistics on service use

2. Items of personal information to be collected and methods of collection

  • The company collects personal information in the following cases.
Collection time Collection method Collection items
When registering as a member Application Required items: email address, password
When applying for a campaign ApplicationAccount information (bank name, deposit account, account holder)
When applying for deposit Application Bank name, deposit account, account holder, resident registration number
EtcAutomatically or manually created and collected [Common] Cookies, access IP, access environment, access date and time, bad or abnormal use records, service use records, [mobile] os version, terminal information

* Additional personal information for participation in the campaign includes 'top size, bottom size, shoe size, height, skin type, marital status, having children, gender and age of children, occupation, language, and presence of pets'.

3. Provision of personal information to third parties

1. The company provides related information to the following companies to the extent necessary to provide smooth service.

Recipient Purpose of provision Offer items Retention and period of use
Client Campaign offer, identity verification, product delivery, campaign progress Member information (name, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, additional personal information for campaign participation) Delivery information (name, mobile phone number, address) After completing the provision of goods or services, in accordance with the internal policy and other relevant laws and regulations (Article 5. Period of retention and use of personal information), it is stored and destroyed for a certain period of time.
  1. 2. The company does not provide personal information of members to third parties without consent. However, exceptions are made in cases according to the provisions of laws and regulations.
  2. 3. When a user participates in the campaign, prior consent is obtained individually for the person receiving personal information.
  3. 4. The company allows the following advertising companies to collect online user behavior information through the generated information analysis tool within the company service and use it for the purpose of transmitting customized advertising services to users.

* Additional personal information for participation in the campaign includes 'top size, bottom size, shoe size, height, skin type, marital status, having children, gender and age of children, occupation, language, and presence of pets'.

* Client list

4. Personal information retention and use period

1. In principle, the company destroys the user's personal information without delay when the purpose of collection and use is achieved. However, there are exceptions in the following cases.

Preservation grounds Archival record Retention period
Consumers Protection Act Personal information related to service use (login records) 3 months
Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law, etc. Personal information related to service use (login records) 5 years
Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law, etc. Records on payment and supply of goods 5 years
Company internal policy Illegal use records (bad or abnormal use records): mobile phone number, e-mail address, IP, log records 1 year

5. Personal information destruction procedure and method

1. In principle, the company destroys the user's personal information without delay when the purpose of collection and use is achieved. However, there are exceptions in the following cases.

a. Destruction procedure Information entered by users for membership registration, etc. is transferred to a separate DB (separate documents in the case of paper) after the purpose of collection is achieved and stored for a certain period in accordance with internal policies and other relevant laws and/or immediately destroyed. At this time, the personal information transferred to a separate DB will not be used for any other purpose except in cases pursuant to the law.

2. Destruction method

a. Information in the form of electronic files is deleted using a technical method that cannot reproduce the record.

b. Personal information printed on paper is shredded with a shredder or destroyed through incineration.

6. Rights of users and legal representatives

  1. 1.Users or their legal representatives can exercise the right to protect personal information of themselves or children under the age of 14 against the company at any time.
  2. 2.If the user or legal representative does not agree to the processing of personal information by the company, he/she may request withdrawal of consent or withdrawal of membership. However, in this case, it may be difficult to use some or all of the service.
  3. 3.You can proceed by selecting “Change Personal Information” (or 'Edit Member Information', etc.) to view or modify personal information, or “Settings > 1:1 Inquiry” from the application to cancel membership.
  4. 4.Alternatively, if you contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, by phone or by e-mail, we will take action without delay.
  5. 5.If a user requests correction of errors in personal information, the personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the result of the correction without delay so that the correction can be made.
  6. 6.The company handles personal information that has been canceled or deleted at the request of users or their legal representatives as specified in “5. Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information” and is not allowed to be viewed or used for any other purpose.

7. How to install/operate and refuse collection of personal information automatic collection device

1. How to opt out of Cookies and Collection

  • a. Operation of Cookies: The company uses 'cookies' that store and retrieve information about users from time to time to provide customized services to users and to provide faster services. A cookie is a small record information file that the server stores on the user's hard disk when visiting a website. Then, when the user visits the website, the website server reads the contents of the cookie stored on the user's hard disk to maintain the user's environment settings and provide customized services. Cookies do not automatically or actively collect personally identifiable information, and users may refuse to store or delete these cookies at any time. However, if you refuse to store cookies, it may be difficult to use some services.
  • b. Instructions on how to install/operate and reject cookies A user can accept or reject all cookies by setting the options of the web browser used, or specify that cookies are checked every time they are saved.
  • c. Rejection method: In the case of Internet Explorer, select [Internet Options] from the [Tools] menu. Set in [Privacy tab]. Set [Privacy Level].
  • d. For Chrome, click [Show advanced settings] under [Settings]. [Privacy] Select the desired policy in Content Settings -> [Cookies] area.

2. Online customized advertising service

  • a. Collection of advertising identifiers when using mobile apps:The company may collect ADID/IDFA of users. ADID/IDFA is a mobile app user's advertisement identification value, which can be collected for measurement to provide customized services or better advertisements for users.
  • b. How to reject: In case of Android, Settings → Google (Google Settings) → Advertisements → Deselect Ad customization
  • c. For iOS, Settings → Privacy → Ads → Restrict Ad Tracking

8. Technical and administrative protection measures to protect personal information

  1. 1.“Company” is making the following technical and administrative efforts to protect users’ personal information.
  2. 2.Encryption of personal information Important information such as a user's password is encrypted, stored and managed, and confirmation and change of personal information is possible only by the person himself/herself.
  3. 3.Countermeasures against hacking The company controls unauthorized access from outside by operating an intrusion prevention system 24 hours a day to prevent leakage and damage of users' personal information by hacking or malicious code, and installs a vaccine program. We are working hard to prevent the system from being infected with malware or viruses. In addition, data is frequently backed up in preparation for damage to personal information, and personal information can be safely transmitted over the network through encrypted communication, etc. In addition, the company is working hard to provide the maximum technical method for safer personal information handling.
  4. 4.Minimization and training of employees handling personal information The company limits the number of employees handling personal information to a minimum, and provides frequent training to related employees to recognize the importance of the personal information handling policy.
  5. 5.Operation of a dedicated organization for personal information protection To protect personal information, a dedicated department for personal information protection is operated, and if a problem is found, it is corrected immediately by checking the implementation of the personal information processing policy and the compliance of the personal information handler. We are working hard to catch it.

9. Contact information of the chief personal information protection officer and manager

1. Users can inquire about all personal information related inquiries and complaints that occur while using the company's services to the person in charge of personal information management or the department in charge. The company strives for prompt and sincere answers and handling of inquiries from users.

  • [Chief Privacy Officer] Dongha Kim, Phone number: 1544-9851, Email address:

2. If you need to report or consult on other personal information infringement, please contact the following organizations.

  • Personal Information Infringement Report Center, Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee ( / 118 without area code)
  • Cyber Investigation Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office ( / 02-3480-3571)
  • National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center ( / 1566-0112)

10. Responsibility for Linked Sites

1. The company may provide users with links to other websites. However, the linked websites are not subject to the company's privacy policy, so if you go to an external website through the link, please review the policy of the service.

11. Obligation to notify privacy policy

1. If there is a change to the personal information processing policy, the company will notify it through a notice on the website or e-mail at least 07 days before the effective date of the revised personal information processing policy.